While most people might still think of it being a part of Science Fiction, converting all the simple appliances that are installed in your house into smart home technology is now an affordable reality. What it means to have Smart Home Technology installed in your house is that all the appliances in your house are connected to the internet connection of your home.
Now you might wonder what the dire need of having all the appliances connected to an internet network that has got us all excited about it is. Well, once you have all these devices connected together by a single network and under your supervision, then you can give a command to any of the devices installed in your homes from anywhere, and therefore have better control over all the items that are present in the house.
Currently, this technology is known as the Internet of Things (IoT), which is enabling complete automation of homes such that the user is able to access these items and give commands for their functioning very quickly and from any place whatsoever.
List of Best Smart Home Technology Items
With advancements in technology, smart home technology has also seen its share of modernization. Today, in the name of advanced technology, even the lights and temperature of the house can be adjusted with the help of the common network that you are going to establish under this automation process.
In fact, due to their increasing popularity, many people have also thought of giving these automated items as gifts to their dear ones. Now let us take a look at the best smart home technology items that you can either install in your homes or can think of gifting it to your friends and family.
1. Brilliant Control

Brilliant Control is a five-inch panel, which is installed in the place of the regular switchboard and is connected to the central Wi-Fi network of the house.
The panel can also be connected to other popular devices such as the Alexa, Nest, Ecobee, etc. The only drawback of Brilliant Control is that it is relatively expensive and requires a great understanding of its functions before you can use it easily in your daily life.
2. Motorized Blackout Shades

Motorized blackout shades are very handy smart home technology devices that have been designed for the windows of the house. In simple words, motorized blackout shades are window blinds that can be tilted and shut by the actions controlled through a remote.
As suggested by the name, the function of the motorized blackout Shades is facilitated by a small motor that is concealed in the design of the whole gear. It has no wires or cords that can be seen from the outside, and it is successful in blocking up to 99% of the incoming light.
3. Outdoor Cameras

CCTV cameras are now very essential when you are planning to build a house in urban localities. For this purpose, you require a camera that has good resolution, can work for long hours without being turned off and has functional connectivity to the central network of the house.
For these uses, Arlo Ultra is a great new option, which provides 4K resolution quality in video recording, can work 24 hours, and can be connected easily to your home’s Wi-Fi network. In this way, you can see the video footage recorded by the outdoor camera at any time on the relevant connected device that you are operating on.
Again, just like other Smart Home Technology items, the camera is also expensive and probably the costliest outdoor camera that you can find in the market today. But it’s modern features such as automatic zooming in, and motion tracking has made it one of the best outdoor cameras in the market to date.
4. Smart Locks

Smart locks are an essential aspect when you are installing smart home devices in the house. The Smart lock has sensors present in it that can sense any unwanted attempts to open the lock forcefully. Apart from this, the smart locks have Wi-Fi connectivity and door sensing technology as well.
Unlike many other smart home devices, the intelligent locks can be installed very easily in the house by the owners themselves and can be connected to the common devices such as the Google home assistant and the Amazon Home Echo devices. Therefore, the accessibility and control over the smart locks are also very extensive.
Check Out Yale Assure Lock SL!
5. Amazon Echo Family

The Amazon Echo family is the most popular smart home technology, which is gaining popularity among home buyers and designers these days. The center of all this technology is Alexa, a technology that is the voice control device of the Amazon Echo family.
As per today, Alexa has to be connected to multiple devices that are commonly installed in the house, and therefore, the voice assistant can control these devices by conveying the orders. Although it takes some time to get adjusted with the service and to connect all automated devices in the house with the voice assistant once all of it is done, it is very user-friendly.
6. Thermostats

As stated earlier, now even the temperature of the house can be adjusted with Smart Home Technology items. One such item is the thermostat, which is being produced by some of the biggest companies today, such as Ecobee.
This thermostat can be connected to the Wi-Fi and to the common devices such as Alexa, Google Home, and Android mobile phones as well. The device can automatically change the ambient atmosphere and temperature and can adjust the room temperature accordingly.
7. Phillips Hue Lighting

Phillips has been one of the most trusted brands when it comes to home appliances and electronics items. The most advanced product by Philips today is the Philips Hue lighting series.
The Philips Hue lamps allow you to have complete control over the lighting of your house. If you want to lights to get dimmer, then you can do so with the help of remote control, voice command, or even through automation.
The device can be connected to many common devices such as the Alexa, Google Home Assistant, and ordinary Android phones. Working on Wi-Fi, the Philips Hue series Is very affordable and can be installed in the house very easily.
8. Smart Microwaves

Smart microwaves are also available now, which can be connected through apps on the phone and can guarantee direct user control. Big industry giants such as Amazon have come out with their own series of smart microwaves, which can be installed in the house easily. These smart microwaves work directly on the Wi-Fi network of the house, but the only drawback with them is that they are more expensive when compared to the normal microwaves.
These Smart microwaves are able to combine the effects of smart ovens and coffee makers into one single unit. It can also make use of the internet connection to download new recipes that can then be made with the help of this device. If you are capable of affording such a smart microwave oven, then there is nothing like it in the category of Smart kitchen appliances today.
9. Smart Vacuum Cleaner

Another Smart Home Technology appliance, which can be installed in the house is the Smart vacuum cleaner. These devices have now become affordable and are providing better cleaning properties than the good old vacuum cleaner.
Apart from being able to be connected to the Wi-Fi networks and other common devices such as Alexa and Google assistant, the steering installed in the smart vacuum cleaner is also very handy when it comes to cleaning the house thoroughly.
Having an affordable price range and excellent connectivity to the commonest devices in the house makes this smart home appliance a must-have if you are planning to install the Smart Home Technology in the house anytime soon.
10. Smart Beds

With every other Home Appliance seeing the light of technology these days, even the beds are now being digitalized. Smart beds are now being made by the manufacturers that are incorporating trackers as well as fitness devices that are able to keep a record of your sleep cycle and the stress levels that you are bringing into the bed.
Again, these are as expensive as any other Smart Home Technology device, but if you can afford to install it in your house, then there is nothing like it.
In the end, it can be stated that this automation and digitalization of the house and it’s common appliances will only prove to be a great help to the owners of the house. These Smart Home Technology items are very handy and help in carrying out daily living activities with ease. They have indeed made life easier for all those who have installed such devices in their houses.