HomeHow ToHow to Convert Excel xlsx to Vcard vcf File

How to Convert Excel xlsx to Vcard vcf File

After a long time, we are here with a completely different tutorial. When you export data, especially contacts, they are sometimes exported in xls or xlsx format. This is a general format and can be opened almost on any computer. However, some software only allows importing data or contacts from vCard, i.e., .vcf format.

First of all, let’s learn something about vcf and Excel files:

What is a vCard VCF File?

It is a file format that stores contact information like name, phone number, email address, home address, and many more. The structure of the vcf file looks like this:

FN:First Last

What is Excel (xls/xlsx) File?

It is a file format that Microsoft Excel generally creates. Up to Microsoft Excel 2003, the extension was xls, and for Microsoft Office 2007 & later, the extension is xlsx. It is generally used by most of the organizations and businesses. That’s why having xlsx file instead of vcf is very important.

If you try to google this, you will find amazing results. You will find various paid software to do the same. Unfortunately, you will not be able to find any free one. This is because converting from xlsx to vcf is a two-step process. Let us see how we can Convert Excel xlsx to vCard vcf File:

Converting the xls or xlsx file to a csv file using Microsoft Excel

  1. Open your Excel file in Microsoft Office.
Excel Contacts File
  1. Arrange the data if not already arranged.
  2. Click File and click Save As.
  3. Click Browse and select the location where you want to store the file.
  4. Select CSV(Comma delimited)(*.csv) in Save as type.
Save Excel File as CSV

Method 1: Using textcompare.org to Convert CSV to vCard Online

  1. Go to https://www.textcompare.org/csv/csv-to-vcard/
TextCompare CSVtovCard Home
  1. Click Choose CSV File and select the file CSV file we generated earlier. 
TextCompare CSVtovCard CSV File Upload
  1. The contents of the CSV file will be populated in the left text area. 
TextCompare CSVtovCard CSV Imported
  1. Select all the blank data that contains no essential details at the end and remove them. 
TextCompare CSVtovCard Select Blank Data
  1. Now, click Process
TextCompare CSVtovCard Data Sanatized
  1. You will see vCard Options in the right section below the text area. 
TextCompare CSVtovCard vCard Options
  1. Map your CSV Column Name with the vCard Property Name. In this case:

    Full Name -> Full Name
    Phone -> Phone
    Email -> Email
    Job Title -> Job Title

    and the fields that you don’t want in the generated vCard or the empty fields to (ignore)
  1. Click Build to populate the right text area with vCard format.
TextCompare CSVtovCard vCard Conversion Complete
  1. Click on Save to download the vCard vcf file.  
TextCompare CSVtovCard vCard Download Complete

Method 2: Using csvtovcard.com on Windows Computer to Convert CSV to vCard

  1. Head over to www.csvtovcard.com and download their software. (Size <1MB)
  1. Install it on your computer and open it.
  2. Select the CSV file you just exported. Select the format you want to export it in. (Single file or Separate file for each row)
  3. If attributes/vCard property is not identified automatically, specify it manually.
CSV to VCard Settings
  1. Click Convert. Your file will be converted in seconds.

Also read: 6 Ways to Run Windows on Mac

So these are two of the best methods that you can use to convert your Excel file to vCard vcf files. Let us know if you have difficulties following the steps in the comment section below. 

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Mehul Boricha
Mehul Boricha
Mehul Boricha is the driving force behind Tech Arrival. He is a computer and smartphone geek from Junagadh, Gujarat, India. He is a Software Engineer by Education & a Blogger by Passion. Apart from technology geek, his free time is dedicated to cybersecurity research, server optimization, and contributing to open-source projects.


  1. Dear Mehulbhai,

    We run an optical business, and I am trying to send bulk messages for offers and such in whatsapp business. However when I download the csv to v card, there is application error. It says NET framework missing. I am running on windows 7 64 bit. Thanks.

  2. Hello Dr. Iyer,

    I am glad that we were able to help you. Just FYI, if you are unsure about installing any app on your computer then you can try installing it it a Virtual Machine first so that your personal data is always safe from any malicious app.

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