After forming a perfect business plan, searching for a name can be daunting and frustrating. Not only you have to choose from a couple of selections, but there are also various factors to be kept in mind like the availability of domain name, a name that echoes the purpose of your business.
In this article, we will tell you what you need to find the perfect name for your business and a step-by-step guide using the BusinessNameGenerator tool.
AIM for the End

Your business name will continue till the end of your business life but you have to make it prior to launching it, a time when you are unsure about the future or feel that you are not up to the mark to make such a decision. But let me tell you, not only you have to choose your business name but you have to choose it right.
Your business name will set the tone and mood for the customers so it’s essential that you choose a name that it’s easy to remember and they are familiar with. A right name will not only help in establishing your brand, clarify your interests, determine your core concepts but also attract more customers, increase your audiences and create buzz. A wrong name will set a bad vibe and make your customers confused leading to a decrease in sales and audience.
What to Look for When Choosing a Name
The first question that came to my mind was if I can just make up a random word.
Absolutely not. Naming is the first step of marketing and is the first thing how customers perceive your brand.
So then can you use your own name?
Yes, if your branding starts with you. It helps when you are a celebrity, musician or writer. If you are a solo person in your business I recommend it.
While choosing a name, establish a few principles. Your business name should capture your business’s key aspects like productivity, solution. A name that sets you apart from the industry is also necessary. You don’t want people confusing your business with others. An elegant and classy name will set a high tone in your customer’s mind.

Now starts the brainstorming process. Keeping in mind the principles mentioned above, you need to come up with a few sample names to get started with. So where will you find them?
Analyze the Competition

Your competition. See how your competition has named and the brand itself. Understanding them will give you an idea of the necessary things and what not to include. That doesn’t mean you can’t add something different.
Collect Target Keywords
Make a collection. Use keywords from your business. Like if your business is about food, including worlds about the recipe, ingredients, and adjectives about food will help. From there eliminate any words that need to be looked twice to pronounce correctly or remember.
Also read: How to Find Competitors Keywords That Brings More Traffic
Your naming doesn’t have to be just a single word or meaningful word. There are various naming types like blending (FaceBook, Foursquare), Phrases (Ready to
Also, keep in mind who you are targeting or from whom you will be benefiting most. Don’t hesitate to ask yourself questions like, “Who are my customers”, “Which age groups are the majority of the customers from”. Other factors like gender, location, income, interests do help. If you still have doubts, call up your friends and family and ask how it sounds. Audience feedback is necessary before you finalize it.
Online marketing is one aspect you can’t ignore. After finalizing look into domain websites like Namecheap, Bigrock if it is available. Also, take a Google search to see if there is any similar to yours.
Choose a Tagline
After finding a name, including a tagline can explain more about your business interest or the solutions you provide. They are not part of your legal name and can be changed over time as your business grows. Having said that your initial tagline should be descriptive and when your business expands later change it to something aspirational.
Some great examples include Apple: “Think different”, Coco-Cola: “Open happiness”, McDonald’s: “I’m loving it”. The bottom line is keeping it short, catchy and descriptive.
Resources and Tools to help you Name Your Business
You don’t have to do everything yourself. There are tools that will help in your journey in finding the perfect name four your business.
1. Dictionary and Thesaurus

Using a dictionary can help in finding keywords and other like-minded words if you plan to blend two keywords. Another option is to play around Thesaurus. This online tool can give you an alternative that you haven’t thought of. For a visual guide, you can switch to Visual Thesaurus. For eg typing the word food, brings out a bunch of synonyms like nutriment, diet, cuisine.
2. Business Name Generators

These tools will help you in finding your perfect name for your business or your domain name. These tools work using keywords that you have already collected before. The rest is all done by these generators. Some have more control like specifying where a specific keyword appears, searching with trending names.
This tool just needs you to type in two keywords associated with your business and it will generate thousands of name ideas. There is also the option to check domain availability using BlueHost.
Cool Name Ideas
This tool offers three domain name generators designed for business, blogs, and products. There is also the option of selecting the placement of keywords.
3. SEO tools

SEO tools will help you search for more keywords that are search engine friendly
- Ubersuggest
- Google AdWords Keyword Planner
4. Other Sites
This tool will help combine words and phrases
You can type words and play around with the word combinations if you see anything striking.
Step-By-Step Guide in Finding the Perfect Business Name
Although there are plenty of Business generator tools to work with, we will be showing it using the Businessnamegenerator tool for its easy use and domain availability check options.
We will be searching for a name for a food business using the Businessnamegenerator tool. Follow the steps mentioned below. I am assuming you have at least keywords ready. We will be using the word delivery and bakery.
• Go to

• Type you two keywords there and choose from the available brand options

• Type your selected name in the BlueHost search bar to check the availability of the domain.

Final Word
You if you have followed the previously tested procedures along with the mentioned tip you will have a business name that will drive your business for years. Skip no steps, be honest with yourself and you will end up a name that will make customers understand your brand with just its name.