If you are not using mansion seeds in Minecraft, you are missing out on great adventures. There’s nothing more exciting than raiding mansions filled with excellent loot, hidden traps, dangerous mobs, and more.
A woodland mansion can be the best spawn location or death trap. It depends on how good a player you are. We have compiled a list of the best Minecraft mansion seeds. Go through the details to know more about the seeds.
Also read: 15 Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Should Try
List of Best Minecraft Mansion Seeds
1. Spawn Under a Woodland Mansion

This glitched spawn location allows you to produce inside the walls of a mansion. This spawn location is more challenging because cobblestone blocks are everywhere, and you are left with no tools.
If you dig straight through 17 cobblestone blocks, you will be rewarded with loot. You can use the wood in the mansion structure to craft your tools. But you need to be careful while going inside the mansion.
Seed Code: 10931311583393626
2. Woodland Mansion Next to Pillager Outpost

This seed comes with a risky adventure. Although your spawn location is a tiny village, it has plenty of resources to get you started. The village also has a weaponsmith to help you prepare your iron armor.
If you explore the village, you will find a woodland mansion in a dark forest. Remember to cross several ravines and cave openings to reach that spot. Behind the woodland mansion, there exists a pillager outpost.
Seed Code: -887486024745579716
3. Two Woodland Mansions Near a Village

This is one of the best mansion seeds in Minecraft. With this seed, you don’t get one but two mansions near a village. If you want, you can manage both mansions in parallel. The one closer to the plains village is best for a great start. The other mansion can be found between a witch’s hut and a ruined portal.
The location of the mansions makes it easier to fight the mobs. You will also find multiple caves and ravines around the two mansions. Players go to these places to collect vital ores.
Seed Code: -8993723640229201049
4. Village in Woodland Mansion

This seed offers a spawn location near a village integrated into a woodland mansion. This is a unique mansion seed in the Minecraft world. However, the villagers often get attacked by the mobs. So you need to be careful when things get chaotic.
Some houses are built inside the mansion, and others have shared walls. Not just that, but the village is also quite weird. Because half of the village is located near a forest, and the other half is on a hilltop.
Seed Code: -742316170606032774
5. Jungle Temple on Top of Woodland Mansion

If you want a mansion seed full of resources, this is for you. It offers a spawn location that is a large jungle biome. Near the spawn point, you will locate a woodland mansion. You will find a ruined portal near the mansion covered in vines and leaves. If you explore a little more, you will find a Jungle Temple on the mansion’s top.
The temple offers loot, but you must be careful of the traps. Inside the woodland mansion, you can access the temple from the top floor, above a reading room. Since the temple has no opening inside the mansion, you don’t need to bother dealing with the mobs.
Seed Code: 1067071636714001342
6. Underground Woodland Mansion

This is another unique mansion seed that you must try out. But it is recommended not to use this seed in survival mode. This is because of the distance between the spawn point and the mansion. A significant portion of the mansion is underground, including the entrance.
You will find cave generation taking place inside the mansion. There’s a desert village near the mansion, where you will find useful resources. But it will take you months to reach that spot without cheats.
Seed Code: -4967193972677765742
7. Large Villages Next to Woodland Mansion

This is a great Minecraft mansion seed. It offers you resources near the spawn point. You can collect the resources to get ready for your Minecraft adventure. Exploring around, you will find two plains villages around the spawn location.
A bridge connects the village and the mansion. There are several caves where you will find resources like iron ores. Food and wood can be collected in the village.
Seed Code: 1390448415
8. Village Mansion

This seed offers you a mansion spawn right inside a village. It is a rare seed available for Bedrock players. There’s an armorer, a library, a cartographer, a weaponsmith, and farmers in the village. This makes it a perfect place to look for resources.
You will also find an iron golem in the village. You can take the iron golem inside the mansion to defeat the mobs. You will also find a pillage outpost near the spawn destination.
Seed Code: -1482616611
9. Tall Woodland Mansion

This seed features a huge mansion, which looks iconic in its way. It allows you to spawn near a swamp biome with a witch hut nearby. If you cross the swamp, you will notice a tall woodland mansion. It is 122 blocks tall, which makes it one of the tallest mansions in the Minecraft world.
If you climb up the mansion, you will be welcomed by a breathtaking view. You will also find several caves and ravines around the area. There’s a large ravine near the witch hut.
Seed Code: 2033394339
10. Mushroom Mansion

If you are looking for a safe biome to spawn, this seed could be your best choice. Unlike other seeds, there are no hostile mobs in this one. You can build a base and start your journey with no worries.
Next to the mushroom field, you will locate a huge mansion. Even though this area is away from your spawn point, you should check it out. Near the spawn location, there’s a taiga village, a witch hunt, and a plains village. These places are perfect for gathering resources for your Minecraft journey.
Seed Code: -1258993757
11. Ruined Portal in Woodland Mansion

The spawn location has a woodland mansion near it. This unique mansion is hard to find in other mansion seeds. You will locate a ruined portal on the second floor of the woodland mansion. There’s a chest inside a library.
However, you shouldn’t directly enter the mansion when playing in survival mode. Before making your move, you should collect resources from nearby villages. If you travel in the opposite direction of the spawn location, you will locate a pillage outpost.
Seed Code: 206378771
12. Sea Mansion

This seed takes you to a small island in the ocean. The area has plenty of cold ruins, so you can collect resources from there.
If you travel away from the spawn location, you will come across a mansion next to the ocean. This is one of the best seaside mansions in the world of Minecraft. The only problem you will face is to teleport yourself to this location. Crafting a boat is better so you can travel faster in this biome.
Seed Code: -1844207646
These mansion seeds in Minecraft are the best you can get. This list includes mansion seeds for Bedrock and Java versions of Minecraft.
Also read: 18 Best Minecraft Village Seeds You Should Try
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the unique mansion seed in Minecraft?
Village in woodland mansion is a unique seed in Minecraft.
Is Minecraft good for kids?
Minecraft has both educational and entertainment value. So yes, it is good for kids to play.
Can you play Minecraft on your mobile phone?
Minecraft Pocket Edition allows you to play the game on your phone. But it is a paid game.
What are the two Minecraft versions?
The two Minecraft versions are – Bedrock and Java.
How many seeds are there in Minecraft?
There are over 18 quintillion seeds in the Minecraft world.
What is the first thing you should do in Minecraft?
The first thing you should do is gather wood. Compared to other resources, wood is easy to collect.
Why are villages in Minecraft important?
Villages hold an important position in Minecraft because they bring you important resources for your journey.
What is a ravine in Minecraft?
A ravine is a naturally-generated, eroded landform. It is similar to open-surface caves.
Where can you find diamonds in Minecraft?
The most common place to find diamonds in Minecraft is ravines and caves.
What is a Pillage Outpost?
Pillager outposts are semi-rare structures that generate hundreds and thousands of blocks.